From my other retina

of a candle
Candles and flowers may be the traditional romantic attributes, but this scuffed-up rifle embodies the most romantic sentimant of all: personal freedom.

Free people own guns. Slaves do not.

of a candle

Free men own guns. Slaves do not.

Two faces that had caught my attention for 1/60 of a second each.

Oh, my!
Hi-res [200mm]
Hi-res [300mm]
decorated vest Which one of my friends could this be?

In the spot light

Nosy Green Bug-eyed Kengaroo/Monitor Mix
Individuals with long noses have always been popular. Could that have anything to do with the suitability of a long and warm nose for intimate "Cyrano maneuver"?
Fluffy lifeform Unfriendly insectivore
Two very different ways to wear jewelry.
Only one of them was made up by the bored photographer.

Man with a nose ring
Hi-res [90mm macro]

backlit face

Smooth skin, backlight, calm repose.
Same formula works for both images.

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