Who is she?
Help me find out who this is. I found this among my old negatives and no longer remember the name of the model. I
still owe her prints.
Design and multimedia
specialist for hire
A few new pix
Other projects which will lead to new pages
- North Shore of Lake
Superior trip with two other photogs. We thought of taking along a fourth guy
as moskito bait
- We ended up not needing mosquito bait: the only animal we
saw was a crow which extracted a pack of Fig Newtons from bag left on a
motorcycle. The bird was swallowing the cookies whole. Got photos of
moonrise over lake Superior and some pix of a looney bin escapee
trying rock climbing with a Pentax
67 and a tripod. Having to live off roadside eateries gave me new appreciation for
homemade Korean food.
- Additions to the "Frolic" page
- Minneapolis lakes and the wild life they support
Renaissance Festival photographs will be on display at Photos,
Inc.(Minneapolis) starting at the middle of October.
Bill Ersland's "Paintings of the Southwest"
show starts October 1, 1995 at Lakeview Art Gallery in Stillwater, MN. For more
info, ask Bill -- 612/430-1878.