Who is she?Help me find out who this is. I found this among my old negatives and no longer remember the name of the model. I
still owe her prints.
Design and multimedia
specialist for hire
A few new pix
Other projects which will lead to new pages
- North Shore of Lake
Superior trip with two other photogs. We thought of taking along a fourth guy
as moskito bait
- We ended up not needing mosquito bait: the only animal we
saw was a crow which extracted a pack of Fig Newtons from bag left on a
motorcycle. The bird was swallowing the cookies whole. Got photos of
moonrise over lake Superior and some pix of a looney bin escapee
trying rock climbing with a Pentax
67 and a tripod. Having to live off roadside eateries gave me new appreciation for
homemade Korean food.
- Additions to the "Frolic" page
- Minneapolis lakes and the wild life they support
Renaissance Festival photographs will be on display at Photos,
Inc.(Minneapolis) starting at the middle of October.
- Bill Ersland's "Paintings of the Southwest"
show starts October 1, 1995 at Lakeview Art Gallery in Stillwater, MN. For more
info, ask Bill -- 612/430-1878.