Chance Encounters |
Cafe |
Seagulls |
Drive-by | Frolic |Spring on Campus |
MinnStF |
Aim...Fire! |
From my retina |
From my other retina |
Superior |
Loring Park |
Renfest |
Eye Candy
Chance encounters provide me with necessary visual stimulation.
As essential to well-being as good food, temperate weather and drawn-out chess games are interesting and, occasionally, cute people.
First impression of a California beach.
Old cars can be gorgeous.
They can also be Ford Pintos.
Guess which kind I photograph.
Spring on Campus: as the weather improves, denizens of the University of Minnesota East Bank Campus emerge. Tree rats come along to beg for food.
Photographers come join the tree rats and scurry around getting pictures and a sore back from too much gear.
Internet Cafe, where your dessert might talk back.

MinnStF. Where life is stranger than fiction.
A slightly biased
article about the role of firearms.

A photog and his model venture into the wilderness.
Escape from daily toil is the ostensible purpose.
Some people collect stamps. Others, dry flowers. Those more
energetic might
gather harems. My hobby is retaining interesting
distilling them in a
darkroom and presenting them to friends.
All the sights I would like to share do not fit on a single page.
Images from my other retina.
North Shore
of Lake
Superior trip with two other photogs. We thought of taking
along a fourth
guy as mosquito bait. We ended up not needing the
bait: the only animal we
saw was a crow which extracted a pack of Fig
Newtons from bag left on a
motorcycle. The bird was swallowing the
cookies whole.
Got photos
of moonrise over lake Superior
and some pix of a looney bin escapee trying rock
climbing with a Pentax
67 and a tripod. Having to live off roadside eateries
gave me new
appreciation for homemade Korean food.
Over forty photos from Renaissance Festival
Eye Candy Just Pretty Pictures
Loring Park
that had no place to go.