Fashionable lady

Kel-Tec PLR16 with Viridian X5L light/laser on a Midwest Industries forend.

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The accuracy of polls.

Imagine getting an anonymous phone call. The caller asks you questions along the lines of “Do you keep expensive jewelry in the house?” or “How many sex toys do you own?” Would you give an honest answer?

How consider the question “Do you own guns?” or “How many guns do you own?”. Better yet, imagine a person living in California or New Jersey, states where the governments have been trying to eradicate legal gun ownership for decades. Would the answers be even remotely likely to be true?

That’s why anti-freedom organizations commission leading polls — to use invalid or misleading “data” to marginalize their opposition. In the minds of our enemies, being a congenital minority, such as left-handed or gay or female (even if the latter is an actual majority) is great — it’s a ready pool of self-identified victims they can pretend to represent. But minorities by choice — people who set up businesses, who home-school their kids, or who own inconvenient property like guns — are their enemies and subject to suppression by legal or illegal means.

Posted in civil rights, rkba, weapon | 6 Comments

Ratworx ZRX Suppressor: new on AllOutdoor

Compact modular sound moderator for Tavor 9mm conversion.

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For the children? Think further out!

Henry .357 carbine. Revolver ammunition does well in longer barrels.

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Don’t dare Mad Mike — he would take you up!

Writer Michael Z Williamson. Tshirts are available here.


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Nurture vs nature

The Dalton sisters, Maddie and Cheyenne.

Having two talented and accomplished kids in one family adds to the data set to the argument about born ability and how it can be realized. I suspect that more kids than we know have abilities that can be brought out by careful coaching. To me, homeschooling seems to do a better job of individualized development.

Posted in interesting people, pistol, rkba, training, weapon | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Painter Ari Munzner

Showing his work to a studio visitor.

See more of Ari’s work.


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AP-Rhino 223 rifle, Vortex 1-6x scope, attitude and aptitude all her own.

And the other side of her persona: she’s a home-schooled farm kid who readily helps out her parents. And she’s a teenager, a girl who likes pretty dresses. And a competent classical musician. People like Cheyenne cannot be reduced to shooting competition rankings because, per Heinlein, specialization is for insects.

Posted in interesting people, pistol, rifle, training, weapon | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Pinky and the Brain?

Writers Amie Gibbons and Larry Correia.

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Improving Sub200mk2 further

The muzzle of mk2 is threaded, but 9mm doesn’t really need a flash hider. So I added a linear compensator aka noise re-direction device.

Works very well: the report becomes a lot less noticeable, especially with subsonic ammunition which doesn’t produce a secondary shockwave.

Accuracy observation: 100-147gr ammunition works well. 75gr or 158gr don’t, and neither do 50gr hypervelocity arounds. Lighter bullets show the best velocity gain, which means 100-110gr are probably optimal for the combination of accuracy, terminal effect and lighter felt recoil.


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Mein Kline Amie

Writer Amie Gibbons.


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According to Hoyt

Writer Sarah Hoyt, author of one of my favorite blogs.

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Rogue and wench, newly married.

Writer Cedar Sanderson and her brand-new husband Sanford.

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Pirates that aren’t nice. Vampires that don’t sparkle.

Writer Tamara Lowery

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Honor Harrington’s dad?

Meet David Weber.

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CTMR carbine: new on AllOutdoor

A heavy-duty entry in the 7.62×39 corner.

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Running Sony A7R from a cell phone or a tablet

Where could I find a guide on setting up remote control of that camera? The manual supplied with it isn’t very clear.

Posted in advice requested, camera and lens | 1 Comment

Bringing the Point of Balance Back: new on AllOutdoor

Competition Rifles: Bringing the Point of Balance Back

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Where pugs come from

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Books with my photos

Just saw a review of Legally Armed, a book for which I did quite a few photos. On the same page, was a link to another book, Florida Firearms – Law, Use & Ownership, with my photo on the cover.

Posted in book, self-defense | 2 Comments